Thursday, June 23, 2016

Moving Update!

We have moved in to our new apartment!
*Cue cheering*
Picture taken out of one of my bedroom windows!
We officially signed paperwork and such on the 15th,  but we moved everything in on Saturday the 18th and spent our first night! The move, despite trouble getting a truck (long, annoying story) was completed in only 4.5 hours, lunch break and drive time included. The people that helped us really were rock stars, and both my husband and I are very grateful and thankful for them.
Now begins the arduous task of finding a place for everything, and getting rid of boxes! Both of our offices are pretty well set up, or at least mostly unpacked. Once my office is finished, I will be posting a "tour" on my blog. It is full of books, crochet supplies, and my lovely desk. :)
This week has been full of unpacking, organizing, and making trips down to the old place. We will be painting a few of the rooms, and doing some heavy cleaning this coming Saturday, but then that'll be it! Handing the keys back, and on to a whole new life in *gasp* the suburbs.
Our new place is literally a half mile away from where I grew up, so to me, it's everything I've missed while living in the city. Josh...well...He's always lived either in the city, or just outside of it. So the quiet is something different!
On another note, my writing has taken a back seat for the moment in the midst of everything. Though my crochet is still going strong. I haven't opened up my Etsy store (well, I haven't filled it with crochet goodies) yet, but I've had some word of mouth orders which is always fun! So I've been working on fulfilling those orders, as well as finishing up some of the projects for my Craft Yarn Council certification program. But soon, life will slow down again and everything will even out a bit more now that we aren't bouncing all over the place packing and cleaning furiously.
The patio is cat approved!

With the windows open in the evening, we hear birds chirping and the water from the river rushing by, and know that we're home.